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I actually watched the full trailer about a month ago at the theater. Parts of it made me laugh, but for the most part I didn't know what to make of it. Affleck was hilarious though as the hippy dude. This reminds me of a comedy that came out last year called The Promotion, which I liked. I just hope it is more like Office Space than Idiocracy. I expected more out of Mike Judge in the past decade.

And yes, Mila makes my extremities tingle.
Ok, watched this last night. The trailer doesn't give away as much of the plot as I had thought. The funniest characters in the film are Affleck, as the morally ambiguous bartender always ready to give unsolicited advice to Bateman, and David Koechner, as the most annoying neighbor on earth. His scenes were by far the funniest and probably will resonate the most with people. The man simply doesn't understand how to end a conversation. He can't take a hint and it's horrifying. Bateman was ok, but it was hard to feel sorry for him having no sex life in his marriage. He just doesn't seem to be cut out for his line of work and has no social life to speak of, aside from hanging out with Affleck. Wiig was underutilized, and you could tell she was bored with her part until the movie's final act. Kunis is <b>smoking</b> hot and actually very believable as a conniving little tart, though her final scenes stretched reality a bit too much for me. Anyway, the plot sort of meanders a bit, though you never feel bored at any point, and the movie has plenty of very funny scenes (Gene Simmons provides a hilarious cameo as a sleazy lawyer who places ads on tv and bus stop benches), but they're not nearly as funny as anything in Office Space. I thought the ending was a cop-out and a little far-fetched just to tie up all the loose ends of storyline in a neat way, but some feel the same way about Office Space's ending as well. All-in-all I'd say this is an above average comedy. Much better than Idiocracy, but just not even close to Mike Judge's earlier work. 3/5 stars.

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